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Exercise 101: Best Belly-Busting Exercises

Written by Lisa Jillanza

When most people begin their weight loss journey, they want to start with that stubborn belly fat. So, crunches – and lots of them – is the workout routine for you, right? Wrong! In fact, spot reduction in exercise simply doesn’t exist. Instead, trainers suggest these core-focused exercises that will help combat fat throughout your body resulting in less belly fat.

Burpees – this exercise works your core, chest, shoulders, lats, triceps, and quads. Great all-around exercise.

Mountain climbers – like burpees, this moving plank exercise works out a ton of different muscles.

Turkish Get-up – this 200-year-old exercise involves a kettle ball and is great for burning belly fat and conditioning your whole body.

Fitness for All Squat’n September: 30-Day Squat Challenge

Written by Lisa Jillanza

It’s the start of a new month and that means a new monthly challenge. Because we love alliteration, how about the Squat’n September Challenge? 

This 30-day challenge will have you squatting your way through the month of September.

Day 1: 50 squats

Day 2: 55 squats

Day 3: 60 squats

Day 4: REST

Day 5: 70 squats

Day 6: 75 squats

Day 7: 80 squats

Day 8: REST

Day 9: 100 squats

Day 10: 105 squats

Day 11: 110 squats

Day 12: REST

Day 13: 130 squats

Day 14: 135 squats

Day 15: 140 squats

Day 16: REST

Day 17: 150 squats

Day 18: 155 squats

Day 19: 160 squats

Day 20: REST

Day 21: 180 squats

Day 22: 185 squats

Day 23: 190 squats

Day 24: REST

Day 25: 220 squats

Day 26: 225 squats

Day 27: 230 squats

Day 28: REST

Day 29: 240 squats

Day 30: 250 squats

Fitness for All Amazing Abs: August Abs Challenge

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Even though summer is almost over, there is still time to get those fabulous abs.


This month we offer our Amazing Abs in August Challenge. Follow this 31-day workout to start building those abdominal muscles today! 

Day 1: 20 crunches

Day 2: 25 crunches

Day 3: 30 crunches plus a 30-second plank

Day 4: 35 crunches

Day 5: 40 crunches

Day 6: 45 crunches plus 2- 30-second planks

Day 7: 50 crunches

Day 8: 55 crunches

Day 9: 60 crunches plus 3- 30-second planks

Day 10: REST

Day 11: 65 crunches

Day 12: 70 crunches plus 2- 45-second planks

Day 13: 75 crunches

Day 14: 80 crunches

Day 15: 85 crunches plus 3- 45-second planks

Day 16: 90 crunches

Day 17: 95 crunches

Day 18: 100 crunches plus 1- 60-second plank

Day 19: REST

Day 20: 85 crunches

Day 21: 80 crunches plus 2- 60-second planks

Day 22: 75 crunches

Day 23: 70 crunches

Day 24: 65 crunches plus 3- 60-second planks

Day 25: 80 crunches

Day 26: 85 crunches

Day 27: 80 crunches plus 2- 60-second planks

Day 28: 85 crunches

Day 29: 90 crunches

Day 30: 95 crunches plus 5- 60-second planks

Day 31: 105 crunches

Fitness for All: Firecracker Frenzy Fourth of July Challenge

Written by Lisa Jillanza

The Fourth of July brings food, picnics, swimming, fireworks and so much more. 

Why not kick off this Fourth of July with a bang and not just end it with one? 

This month we offer you this “Firecracker Frenzy: Fourth of July Workout Challenge”.


 Start off with these warm-ups:

*30-second march in place

*20 glute kicks

*20 squats

*20 jumping jacks

*30-second march in place 

And the workout:

 *25 jumping jacks

*20 side lunges

*25 jump squats

*15 push-ups

*10 burpees

*20 crunches

*20 sit-ups

*30-seconds to 1 minute plank

Repeat full circuit one time. 

Cool Down:

*30-second march in place


Have fun and Happy Fourth of July Everyone!