Nutrition Articles
Five Great Reasons to Eat a Banana
Considered as one of the world's miracle fruits, the musa acuminata better known as a banana has a number of known and proven health benefits. In fact, it may even have more health benefits than any other fruit in the market. What makes a banana even better than most healthy fruits like apples, grapes, mangoes or an orange is that fact that it is a lot cheaper and is widely available in most parts of the world.
There have been numerous clinical studies in the past that link banana to various health benefits, some of which are presented below.
Bananas are good for your heart and blood
Potassium is one of the most abundant nutrients packed in a single banana serving. Needless to say, potassium has a lot of known benefits. For starters, potassium helps the heart by promoting better circulation of blood. A single banana serving also has vitamin B6 : an essential vitamin that aids in the production of helpful antibodies.
Likewise, vitamin B6 also helps in the production of hemoglobin, another important nutrient the human body needs.
Banana as a natural mood enhancer
It is also said that banana is a natural mood enhancer. This miracle fruit has tryphotan which can help smoothen and enhance the mood of people. Tryphotan is an amino acid which can help the human body produce serotonin. Serotonin, on the other hand, can produce a calming effect on the human body and is bound to stabilize the mood of the person taking it.
A banana a day is good for your kidney and bones
The old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away may just be it : old. Bananas have already proven its worth many times over. One of its many benefits includes helping your kidneys and bones to become stronger and less vulnerable to complications.
This is due to the high potassium content of a banana fruit. Potassium suppresses calcium excretion in the urine and is therefore minimizing the risk against kidney stones. For that matter, I guess it would be wise to say that a banana a day keeps the doctor away.
Regular intake of bananas is said to make a person smarter
According to a study conducted on 200 students at a Middlesex school, a normal intake of banana after every meal makes pupils more alert and open to learning.
Bananas can promote better bowel movement
Another well known benefit of banana is that this miracle fruit is high in fiber and can restore and promote better bowel movement. That is the reason why people suffering from constipation are almost always given a serving of banana. In addition to that, better bowel movement brought about by a serving of banana is good for one's overall health.
Apart from the health benefits pointed above, bananas can also help people wanting to quit smoking and serve as a stress reliever for many. Heartburn, anemia and ulcers can also be improved by a daily intake of banana while morning sickness and hangover can be remedied with a single banana serving.
It is important to know and remember that a banana is a great natural remedy for many illnesses. Hence it would be wise to include a serving of banana in your daily diet.
Healthy Eating for Children
Eating healthy will always be a staple in living a good life. It is essential in keeping us healthy during our adulthood but equally important during our growing years. Most parents think that kids could get away with everything in terms of their diet. But proper nutrition is needed for normal and optimum growth.
Part of a parent's responsibility is to ensure that their kids are getting the right nutrition for their age. They must be sure that their kids are getting a balance and healthy diet. It might sound simple but if getting your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables can be a daunting task as many parents know.
Calcium helps make strong bones and teeth, and this nutrient is most important during the years when bones are growing. Foods that are highest in calcium come from the cow -- low-fat milk, cheeses, and yogurt. But some leafy vegetables and fortified juices are also good sources of calcium. Here are some ways to give your child the calcium he needs:
- Start his day with a bowl of cold or hot whole-grain cereal topped with skim or low-fat milk and sliced fresh fruit.
- Serve low-fat yogurt, smoothies, or cheese after school and between meals for a nourishing calcium-rich snack.
- Calcium-fortified juices and cereals are fine nondairy alternatives to help meet your child's daily requirement.
Grandma called it roughage and everyone, kids included, needs plenty of it each day to keep their digestive system working well. Here's how to get your kids used to the taste of fiber-rich foods, which they can come to love.
A bowl of high-fiber cereal is a great start to meeting your child's daily needs. Read food labels to find whole-grain cereals that provide 3 grams or more of fiber per serving. Usually, the more sugar in a cereal, the less fiber. Add sweetness to cereal with fresh, canned (unsweetened), or frozen fruit.
Have cut-up whole fruits and veggies on hand to help your child meet the recommended five or more daily servings of fiber. Keep fruit juice to a minimum. Whole fruits and vegetables contain much more fiber and less sugar than most juices.
Beans are loaded with fiber and protein. Drain and rinse canned beans and toss into soups, stews, salads, scrambled eggs and omelets, and salsas.
Every cell in the body is made of protein, which makes this major nutrient essential for healthy growth and development. Protein is found in animal products such as dairy, eggs, seafood, and meats. In somewhat lesser amounts, it is also in beans, nuts, vegetables, and grains. Boost your child's nutritional intake with these protein-rich food ideas.
Even finicky kids love eggs. French toast, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and omelets are kid-pleasing dishes that contain plenty of protein, iron, and other important nutrients.
Branch out from fish sticks and try salmon dishes that kids will enjoy. Top salmon or other fish fillets with salsa or teriyaki sauce to give your child lean protein along with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Add nuts to cereals, yogurts, or vegetables for added protein, fiber, and healthy unsaturated fats.
Antioxidant Superfoods
Antioxidants help defend the body against harmful substances that can damage the body's cells. Power up your child's diet with foods rich in antioxidants, such as almonds, berries, citrus, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, and bell peppers.
- Bring orange wedges, 100% citrus juice, fruit, or nut granola bars to the next sports practice for a refreshing and energizing treat.
- Pack school lunches with baby carrots, grape tomatoes, or red bell pepper slices for a fiber- and antioxidant-rich lunch or snack.
- Add plenty of antioxidant-rich tomatoes or tomato sauce to pizza, spaghetti, meatloaf, soups, and stews.
Children's diets are often lacking in iron, a mineral that carries oxygen in the blood and helps keep kids energized. Boost the iron in your kids' diet with lean meats, eggs, fish, dark leafy greens, beans, dried fruits, and iron-fortified grains.
Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron, so pair eggs with oranges or orange juice.
Serve spinach salads at mealtime, topped with strawberries, dried cranberries, and/or slivered almonds and a light raspberry vinaigrette dressing. The fruit will help the body absorb the iron in the spinach, and kids will love the taste.
When kids refuse a meal, offer iron-fortified cereal topped with low-fat milk or yogurt and fruit as a healthy meal substitute.
Food and Mood
It is easy to make the connection between eating a healthy diet and optimum brain development. Of course, eating a healthy diet ensures that the brain has all the nutrients for building a healthy brain. But few are unaware that our diet also has a direct effect on our moods and emotions.
The quality of our diet can have an effect on the duration and severity of depressions. Signs include a sudden loss of appetite, food cravings and skipping meals. Sudden mood changes could be the brains signal that something is wrong or it is severely lacking in some nutrients.
Carbohydrates are important in the structural and functional integrity of the body. Some studies have shown a direct correlation between the levels of carbohydrates and its effects on our moods and behavior. Eating carbohydrate rich food triggers the release of insulin that converts blood sugar into energy. It also simultaneously sends tryptophan in the brain.
Diets which are low in carbohydrate increase the chance for depression. This is because carbohydrates are important building blocks for serotonin and tryptophan or “good feel” hormones. However, it is important that people get their carbohydrates from healthy sources. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and pasta could provide carbohydrates but have a lasting and stable effect on brain chemistry, mood and energy levels compared to sugar sources that only provide temporary relief.
Here are some of the cause and effects of food on our mood:
- Changes in our blood sugar levels can affect our energy levels and mood. Sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels could lead to stress.
- Below average levels of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals could affect normal brain functioning.
- Certain allergies contained in food such as artificial colors and flavorings. People could also develop hypersensitivity to certain foods which they previously have not any difficulty eating.
- Protein rich foods contain amino acids which are essential to normal brain functioning. These are needed by the brain's neurotransmitters. Amino acids are also needed for the production of serotonin and dopamine, mood hormones. And any imbalance could lead to depression and even aggressiveness.
- Before cutting your fat consumption consider the important role they play in brain health. Brain cell membranes are largely composed of fats and the brain's gray matter is built from polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The connection between food and our brain go beyond supplying it with energy and nutrients. Food also plays an important role in our moods and emotions. Eating the right diet maintains our levels of “feel good” hormones that can fight depression naturally.
Keeping Osteoarthritis Away with Healthy Eating
Osteoarthritis is a medical condition that is mainly caused by lifestyle factors. These include unhealthy eating, sedentary lifestyle, over weight problems and previous injury. Osteoarthritis is highly preventable and all it takes is living a healthy lifestyle. One simple way is to start eating a healthy diet to help prevent or manage osteoarthritis.
Dietary supplements, information on osteoarthritis fighting foods and other natural treatments are also readily available to help people fight off this disease. Getting the right nutrients into your body is just one of the ways to minimize your risk for developing osteoarthritis. However, working with your doctor to develop a prevention or treatment plan still remains to be the way of keeping this disease at bay.
Building Stronger Bones and Cartilages
Vitamin C rich food is essential in developing a diet designed to prevent osteoarthritis. Vitamin C is an important nutrient responsible for building collagen and proteoglycans. These are the building blocks for stronger cartilage which helps cushion the joints. Vitamin C rich foods also contain powerful antioxidants that prevent toxin buildup in the joints that can damage the cartilage.
Fruits and vegetables are definite staples when it comes to osteoarthritis preventing diets. Eating a variety of frozen, dried and fresh fruits is a must but also keep fruit juices to a minimal since these contain large amounts of sugar. The recommended amount of vitamin C for example could easily be reached by eating an orange, a large banana, a quarter of dried peaches or other dried fruits. Another essential food group includes nuts and seeds and fish. These are healthy sources of protein but do not contain the same high levels of fat seen in poultry or animal meat. Regular diets can easily provide much needed proteins but the trick is to get this from healthy sources. Fish and calamari for example contain Omega 3 essential fatty acids which has anti-inflammatory properties. Other ways of minimizing fats in your diet are boiling, grilling or baking. Cooking oils could also be replaced with healthier alternatives such as flaxseed and olive oils.
Eating dark green and orange vegetables are important for preventing osteoarthritis. The recommended amounts of daily intake may depend on a person's age, activity levels and gender. However, adults in general are advised to eat two to three cups of vegetables daily. Broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, squash and beans are ideal.
Calcium is essential for building strong and healthy bones, which is important for preventing joint damage. Make drinking milk healthier by choosing low or no-fat milk. Adults are advised to drink three cups of dairy daily.
Foods to Look out For
There's no shortage of information regarding the types of foods that could prevent or manage osteoarthritis. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet for example is not only great for reducing our risks for osteoarthritis but also for keeping us healthy in general.
One of the simple rules when it comes to healthy eating is to eat less as we grow older. We must not forget that factors for developing osteoarthritis are weight problems. A heavier weight means more pressure on the joints so be sure to avoid that. Changes associated with aging include slowing metabolism. You might be eating the same food amounts but the body is unable to burn fats effectively.
People who are suffering from osteoarthritis are advised to stay away from unhealthy and fatty foods. Keeping your weight within ideal limits minimizes the pressure, wear and tear on your joints. Fat can also increase your chances of inflammation which can worsen joint inflammation.
Stay clear from foods that contain large amounts of simple refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and trans-fats. Processed foods, fast foods, fried and sweets are also good candidates for increasing your risk for osteoporosis.
Animal meat and eggs contain saturated fat which can have negative effects on our health when taken in great amounts. It does not only increase your risk for osteoarthritis but also makes you susceptible to cancers and cardiovascular diseases. These foods also contain rich amounts of Omega 6 which if left unchecked could increase the pain and inflammation in the joints.
Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is important for preventing osteoarthritis. A diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish and complex carbohydrates is perfect for reducing your risk for osteoarthritis. It is a good diet that helps you maintain your ideal weight.
Switch to “good fats” or unsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are rich in antioxidants that can clear the joints from damaging toxins. Foods that are rich in vitamin C are good for strengthening the bones and cartilages. Improving the strength in the joints and prevents injuries.
The Healthy Way to Keep Diabetes Away
Your most recent visit with your physician confirmed you have diabetes. As an effort to fight off this illness, you educate yourself with useful information. But in your search for aid, you stumbled upon tons of materials that lead you to false promises. You must now turn to natural ways to fight off this unnatural condition.
Bad carbs
Start your battle by eliminating bad carbohydrates. Avoid foods that contain white flour and refined white sugar. They have been stripped of its essential nutrients. These foods are the culprits for the increase in numbers of obese people over the past few decades.
Another type of sugar that contributed to American obesity rates is High fructose corn syrup or HFCS. This carbohydrate ispresent in almost all frozen foods and baked goods. You may also find this in sugary drinks.
As a solution to this, read the labels in every item before you toss it to your grocery cart. Purchase items without HFCS. Pick foods that have been sweetened with natural products.
Good fats
Another item to add in your diabetes check list is food items that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This includes albacore tuna, halibut, herring, calamari and squid oil and your favorite fish salmon.