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Roadblocks to a Thinner You

Written by Lisa Jillanza

You've gone the whole nine yards and yet you're still seeing little or no results on your weight loss program. While losing weight seems to be a breeze for some, others find it to be a constant uphill battle they just can't win.


Medicines have a direct effect on our body's many processes including our body weight. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen), corticosteroids and high blood pressure medication causes fluid retention. Female hormone pills for example hinder weight loss and could actually contribute to weight gain.

If you're currently under medication, the best thing to do is to discuss this with your physician. Try asking for alternative medications which doesn't have this side effect. If this is not possible, switch to a low fat diet and a more aggressive exercise program to offset weight gain. But of course this should first be consulted with your doctor to avoid complications.

You've reached your normal weight

A Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18 and 25 is considered normal. Losing weight after reaching your ideal weight could be difficult since this could face opposition from your body. BMI is computed by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters).

If you still believe that your are “fat” even if you've reached your normal weight, then this could be a  symptom of a psychological or eating disorder. People suffering from Anorexia nervosa for example, go into extreme diets and exercise programs just to have a thinner figure.

Hormonal Changes

There are many factors that cause hormonal changes in our body. Any change in the level of hormones has a direct effect on our body's normal processes including weight gain. Aging, medication, medical conditions, menopause and menstrual periods are just some of the factors affecting hormone levels.

This is a condition that affects women more than men. Female hormone pills, menstrual periods and menopause for example are just some of the conditions that affect the levels of hormones in the body. The best way to lose weight is to tailor your weight loss program accordingly. Consulting a dietician could help you develop a personalized program could make dieting healthier and more effective.

Extreme diets

If your weight loss program requires extreme dieting then this could actually cause your body to store more fats or reduce the amount of fats being burned. Undergoing prolonged periods of “starvation” causes your body to turn into its own defense mechanisms in an attempt to compensate for such extreme measures. It reaches a point where human nature takes over and you are mentally unable to resist eating. Rather than losing weight in a gradual and healthy pace, suddenly depriving your body of its basic needs could lead to sickness. Our body requires its share of daily supply of nutrients. And that includes fats to power our daily activities.

Stress and Anxiety

Major stumbling blocks to any diet program or any life changing decision is a person's mental condition. Stress, anxiety and unrealistic expectations leads to self doubt undermining any weight loss program. Any changes to your normal daily routine and eating habits can be very stressing. Having a positive disposition, getting the right support (friends and family) and having realistic goals is your best defense when things are not going your way.

Losing Weight and Aging

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Remember those times when we could almost get away with eating anything and still manage to keep our figures slim? It seems that each year brings more and more hurdles making it difficult if not impossible to keep those fat deposits at bay.

The easiest solution is to deny ourselves the pleasures of eating often opting to take a small bite of our favorite cake. Keeping slim has become so difficult that even our best efforts seem futile. Each year we grow older seems to add a corresponding inch to our waistline making weight gain synonymous with growing old.

Accept this change

The first step towards keeping a slimmer body is to accept these changes and plan accordingly. Preparing yourself mentally for the difficult tasks ahead will give you a better perspective of your condition. In the past, aging did not mean gaining weight. This was because people were actively had more active lifestyles and the food was generally healthier.

With all these modern conveniences that makes people soft and all the abundance of processed foods and sugary drinks keeping our body slim has become a challenge. Be conscious about the changes that aging brings and live your life accordingly.

Medical conditions

Weight gain may not be the direct result of aging. An underlying medical condition such as metabolic related diseases could be the culprit. Years of abuse on our body caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits can be responsible for weight gain in our advanced age.

Metabolic conditions such as those associated with the thyroid makes it almost impossible for people to lose weight. One of every five people over the age of 40 suffer from hypothyroidism. This tiny gland is responsible for regulating metabolism or how effectively we digest food. Visit your doctor regularly and have a thorough medical exam. You might never know if your weight gain is the symptom of a medical condition.

Eating Schedules

Living a healthy lifestyle is not denying or starving yourself. If you've already switched to a healthy diet and don't see any results then eating small frequent meals could do the trick. Accept that your body might not be as efficient in digesting food. Eating small frequent meals makes it easier for your body to convert food into usable energy rather than converting it into fat deposits. A light breakfast followed by a healthy snack before lunch is recommended. Just remember to keep this within 3 to 4 hour intervals.

Keep yourself satiated, extreme dieting could lead to binge eating which only makes your weight condition worse. Food taken after 8 pm is more likely to go into in your waist or belly. Never skip breakfast. It still remains the most opportune time for our metabolism. Breakfast fuels our body for the rest of the day.

Aging and our Body

Reaching 40, our body undergoes numerous physical changes which can affect how our body works. This is evident not only in our outward appearance but more importantly our internal processes. The changes are subtle and are not readily seen. This is mainly due to hormonal changes, other factors that affect digestion and metabolism.

Ketogenic Diets - Is It For You?

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Ever wondered what a Ketogenic Diet is? This type of diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that forces the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Its food ratio consists of 60% to 80% total calories from fat, 15% to 35% total calories from protein and 5% or less calories from carbohydrates.

A Ketogenic Diet is similar to other strict low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins or LCHF Diet. However, one major difference is it restricted when it comes to protein. A Ketogenic Diet reduces the levels of insulin thus increasing fat burning dramatically. This in turn makes it easier to burn fat stores helping you lose weight more easily.

The Upside of a Ketogenic Diet

Several health benefits have been attributed to a Ketogenic Diet. This includes increased energy levels and improved weight loss. A Ketogenic Diet also reduces our risks for some health conditions.

  • Reduced Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

People suffering from pre-diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and are not on insulin medication can reverse their condition by switching to a Ketogenic Diet. Medical research has shown that low-carbohydrate diets that limit the intake of sugar and process grains can have a positive effect on people suffering from diabetes.


  • Reduces Cancer Risks


Studies show that highly-processed, low-nutrient, and pro-inflammatory diets feed cancer cells which makes it easier for them to develop and multiply. Some studies suggest that a Ketogenic Diet may actually starve cancer cells and prevent it from growing rapidly. Generally, diets that encourage us to eat healthy reduce our risks for cancer.


  • Improved Weight Loss


Diets are designed to keep people healthy but one of the most popular reasons is to shed weight. A Ketogenic Diet is highly effective in helping people lose weight. Low-carbohydrate diets keep you feeling fuller longer and speeds up the fat burning process. With less insulin released, the body does not store extra energy in the form of fat. Instead, it focuses on burning existing fat stores for energy. Foods You Should Eat on a Ketogenic Diet


  • Cabbage (3g)
  • Avocado (2g)
  • Cauliflower (4g)
  • Zucchini (3g)
  • Spinach (1g)
  • Brussels Sprouts (5g)
  • Kale (4g)
  • Green Beans (4g)
  • Broccoli (4g)


  • Blackberries (Half a cup which contains 3 grams of carbs)
  • Plum (One medium-size contains 6 grams of carbs)
  • Kiwi (One medium-size contains 8 grams of carbs)
  • Raspberries (Half a cup which contains 3 grams of carbs)
  • Blueberries (Half a cup which contains 6 grams of carbs)
  • Strawberries (Half a cup which contains 6 grams of carbs)
  • Clementine (One medium-size contains 7 grams of carbs)
  • Cantaloupe (One cup contains 11 grams of carbs)
  • Peach (One medium-size contains 13 grams of carbs)
  • Cherries (Half a cup contains 9 grams of carbs


  • Zucchini Chips
  • Salami and Cheese Chips
  • Tortilla Pizza
  • Onion Rings
  • Sesame Crispbread
  • Keto Garlic Bread
  • Egg Muffins
  • Cinnamon and Cardamon Fat Bombs
  • Kale Chips


  • Brazil Nuts
  • Hazel Nuts
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pecan Nuts
  • Macadamia
  • Peanuts

The Answer Appetite Reducer

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Product Review

If you are looking for a weight loss formula then we have the “answer” for you: The Answer Appetite Reducer.

Designed specifically to reduce your appetite, increase lean body mass, increase metabolic rate and thermo genesis, burn more calories and increase your energy, The Answer Appetite Reducer  has all of these capabilities in one simple tablet.

If you are tired of trying every diet and weight loss product out there on the market, then tire no more!

The Answer Appetite Reducer dietary supplement is all you need to get the results you want.

Go to www.HealthyRevelations.com for more information.

The Spring Clean Burn, How to Lose Weight Cleaning

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Fitness for All

Spring Clean

It's finally time to skip the gym and dust off those mops and brooms! Spring cleaning is here : along with an easy way for you to not only clean up your house but also burns those extra calories.

In just 30 minutes of household cleaning, you can burn nearly 200 calories.  So, say goodbye to the gym and hello to the scrubbing brush!

Your actual amount of calories burned will depend on your weight, gender and age, but the following calorie burners are based on a 155 pound woman cleaning for one hour.   (You can locate calculators online to determine the exact amount of your calories burned.)

Gardening: 226 calories

Window washing: 226 calories

Scrubbing floors (on hands and knees): 291 calories

Laundry, ironing: 84 calories

Sewing repairs: 36 calories

Dusting: 97 calories

Scrubbing toilets, tub: 246 calories

Vacuuming: 317 calories

Cleaning gutters: 258 calories

Moving furniture, household items: 387 calories

Painting, papering, plastering: 317 calories

Sweeping: 194 calories

Mopping: 153 calories

Mowing the lawn: 148 calories

Washing dishes: 77 calories