Food for Thought: Best Fall Foods for Weight Loss
Eating seasonal foods can help you meet your weight loss goals by encouraging variety in your diet and increasing the level of nutrients you get throughout the day—and the fall season brings a unique list of foods to try.
Here are some of the best fall foods that you can eat to help you lose weight:
Winter squash – winter squash like butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash are perfect additions to your fall meals. Plus, with fiber and nutrients, these squashes offer a lower-calorie alternative to other carbohydrates.
Apples – apples are a great weight-loss food for the fall because they are naturally sweet and high in fiber. Fiber helps you to stay full faster and longer, helping you to manage your portions.
Oatmeal – the benefits are many with tons of fiber, nutrients, and prebiotic properties, oatmeal is one of the best fall foods for weight loss.
Canned pumpkin – canned pumpkin is not only delicious, but it’s extremely low in calories and sodium and has 4 grams of fiber and 1 gram of protein per serving.
Want to try a delicious smoothie that uses canned pumpkin and helps you sneak in some extra nutrients. Try this one out!
- 1 scoop plant-based vanilla protein powder
- 1/4 cup frozen banana
- 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
- 1/2 cup frozen peach slices
- 1/4 cup pumpkin purée
- 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
- 5 ice cubes
Put it all in a blender. Blend and enjoy!