Tea Time, Natural Ways to De-stress
The increasing number of people suffering from stress continues to be a growing concern for many health professionals. Some people might simply dismiss this as part of everyday life. After all, popping a pill is a simple solution to this common malady. But wouldn't it be better if there was a more natural and safer solution to the problem?
Drinking tea for example is a simple and more natural way of relaxing your body and mind. This is not only an effective stress reliever but also helps reduce risks for other deadly diseases.
Ginseng is a popular traditional ingredient in many alternative treatments. It is known for its relaxing and mind clearing effects. A cup of ginseng tea helps calm the nerves and brings stress levels down. For people suffering from sleeping problems, drinking a cup of tea before bedtime also ensures that you get a good night's sleep.
Ginseng has a bitter property. This is why it is often blended with other herbs to make it taste better. The herb is readily available in stores and supermarkets. Ginseng is mixed with other ingredients such as orange peel, Logan fruit, rose herbs, cinnamon and hibiscus flowers to make tea. Ginseng tea is not only served hot but could also be chilled for a more soothing effect.
Chamomile : this herb is a popular treatment for nausea and indigestion. It helps provide immediate relief that it is commonly used as a treatment for these maladies. Chamomile also has soothing effects that calms the nerves and reduces pent up stress. People who are hyperactive could use chamomile to calm their nerves and relax. It can also be used as a natural treatment for people suffering from insomnia.
Skullcap : has quite an interesting name for an herb that is known for its mind relaxing properties. Sipping this tea lowers your stress levels and helps you focus better mentally. Skullcap can also be an effective muscle relaxant, great for those long hours at the gym. High stress levels can leave people suffering with headaches and migraines. Skullcap tea eliminates these symptoms and alleviates moodiness. Its muscle relaxing properties can help women suffering from PMS or premenstrual syndrome. It reduces naturally reduces muscle cramps and pain during this difficult period.
Lavender : its smell alone could help relax a stressed out body. Combined with tea, it can help relax the mind and reduce stress levels. Lavender has the ability to relax the body after a grueling day at the office. It can help revive an exhausted body by rejuvenating and relaxing it.
Lavender could be used as a natural treatment for indigestion. It calms the muscles and decreases muscle spasms. Lavender can be blended with other herbs to reduce other symptoms such as irritability, sudden mood changes, nervous breakdowns, tensions, headaches, anxiety and migraines.
Mint : its cool taste and smell is enough to soothe even the most stressed body. Its aroma is so relaxing that even a sniff can relax your mind. Just like other teas, min tea is especially effective for treating stomach upset and indigestion. Mint flavored tea is one of the most popular blends. Its flavor easily mixes with other herbs and ingredients to make healthier and tastier blends.