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Healthy Metabolism for a Better Figure

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Senior Couple Exercising In Park People often make excuses after gaining a few pounds. And one of their mostly likely excuses would be a slowing metabolism. This is based on medical fact. Our body's metabolic rate decreases with age. This makes it harder for us to burn fats from food which usually posed no problems in the past.

However, one can actually go wrong when health experts say otherwise. As far as certified nutritionists are concerned, the common understanding of metabolism is just but a surface to the whole truth. In defining metabolism, one must understand two biochemical mechanisms that comprised it : anabolism and catabolism.

  • Anabolism is pretty much the construction process of metabolism. It is because of anabolism that tissues and cells repair themselves after suffering an injury or illness. Anabolism is responsible for growth and healing.
  •  Catabolism, however, is the most commonly perceived idea of metabolism. This is the part wherein the body breaks down nutrients beginning in digestion. They also break down stored nutrients inside the body such as fats.

In a nutshell, the construction and chemical breakdown processes works in unison so that the human body can attain ideal metabolism. In order to find out whether the body has a healthy metabolism, one should know his or her metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is the overall percentage of energy used to fuel bodily functions, the calories your body normally takes and the amount of calories usually burned. These three ideas factor into the whole crude measure of metabolism. The ideal metabolism one needs to achieve, therefore, means that all these three aspects equally “digest” the right amount.

This general gauge of metabolism consequently follows the idea of proper diet and exercise. Contrary to what most people think, proper diet and exercise is pretty much the husband and wife in the nutrition analogy : they are both inseparable and equally necessary.

When it comes to diet, there are three major building blocks of the food categorization. The whole idea of knowing the types of foods boils down to knowing a “balanced diet”.

  • Carbohydrates are energy-producing foods that are comprised of sugar and starch. Foods like bread, pasta, cakes, muffins, chocolates and rice are examples of carbohydrate-rich menu. When eaten in excess, they become fats.
  • Proteins are the chemical compounds that promote growth and repair of cells and tissues. Proteins are essential to the whole idea of metabolism and these foods are often represented by lean meat, poultry, calcium-rich dairy products, fish and vegetables.
  • Fats are not always unhealthy as common perception represents them. Contrary to popular belief, there are healthy fats necessary for the body. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and vegetable oils make a good auxiliary to nutrition development. Saturated fats ought to be avoided on frequent occasions because they add up more weight in the body.

Exercise is a way to promote better metabolism actively. By doing a lot of aerobic exercises, the body not only burns fat but also circulates blood faster and distributes nutrients more efficiently. Cardiovascular exercise promotes overall development in the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems. Weight training may not necessarily burn fats but it helps lessen the storage of fats after every food intake, as the excess mass goes to the process of building of more lean muscle fibers. An athletic body feels a lot better because it has attained a great measure of ideal metabolism people are yearning for.