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Energy Depleting Foods You Should Look Out For

Written by Lisa Jillanza

ID-100111057 We often think of food as something that provides our body with much needed energy. But there are certain food types that instead of supplying our body with energy deplete our energy stores. The type of food we take has a direct effect on our energy levels. This is needed powering the body and performing our daily activities. Some food however, drains our energy leaving us tired and mentally drained. For a better idea on what types of food steal our energy, below is a list of energy-grabbing food.

High-sugar treats

Sugar is a good source of instant energy. Just take for example energy bars that provide us with a ready source of energy during workouts. But high-sugar treats or sweet candies could trick you into believing that you are getting energy. These cause our blood sugar to shoot up. The body in turn releases insulin to decrease sugar levels instantly. The result is a sudden drop of energy leaving us tired and exhausted.


Eating a fairly large portion of turkey could be a good way of conditioning us for sleep. Of course having a full tummy works wonders in making us feel sleepy but there are deeper reasons why turkey could lull us to sleep. Turkey contains tryptophan an amino acid that helps relax the body. And more turkey means more tryptophan.

Fried Foods and Red Meat

Fatty foods make great barbeque and taste great when fried. However, this also means more work for our digestion. Red meat also takes a fair amount of time before they are finally broken down into its components. The body slows down as it concentrates on breaking these down. Eating fatty foods also soothes the nerves and makes us feel full and satiated. It calms the nerves and makes us less likely to perform activities.

Treated Water

Water is essential in our body's normal functioning. It is great for quenching our thirst but does not contain energy. Water also takes up space in our stomach and drinking large amounts when we feel hungry limits the amount of food we can take.

Tap water for example undergoes a lot of treatment before it is considered safe for human consumption. Bottled water on the other hand is stored in shelves and isn't exactly refreshing or revitalizing.

Microwave and Processed Food

Any process that disrupts food's natural qualities can deprive it of its nutrients. Microwave food in particular disrupts the nutrients and energy content of food. Processed food prepared with chemicals isn't an ideal source of energy either. We end up eating foods that actually deprive us of energy. Food and any living thing contain energy. When it is cooked or prepared with chemicals the energy source is depleted or altered.

Bread and Pasta

Bread contains carbohydrates and eating large amounts of it could leave you gasping for energy. The levels of carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels. It can influence the amount of insulin in the body, the hormone responsible for breaking down blood sugar. The result is a sudden rush of energy followed by a period of fatigue.

Pasta is a rich source of starch that is stored in the body as sugar. Any increase in blood sugar automatically triggers insulin. This can cause your blood sugar levels to suddenly decrease, sapping your body of much needed energy.