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In the News New Year’s Resolutions – Part I

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Every year when the calendar flips to January 1, everyone starts thinking about their New Year’s Resolution. For the past couple years though, many people have given up on resolutions because after COVID and the pandemic caused many to think that it was pointless to make a resolution when life is so unpredictable.


Experts say though that it is still important to make resolutions. They say that you should adjust your expectations, be realistic and make achievable resolutions for 2025.

Here are some of the best resolutions you can make for a successful New Year.

Get more organized at home and at work.

  • Stop worrying about what others think and things you cannot control.
  • Start living in the moment.
  • Establish a work-life balance and spend more time with family and people who mean the most to you.
  • Lead a healthier lifestyle by starting a fitness program, eating a healthier diet, and protecting your mental health.
  • Start standing up for yourself.
  • Become more optimistic.
  • Quit an unfulfilling job and change careers.
  • Make yourself a priority this year by giving yourself a makeover, learn how to put yourself first more often, and taking time off work for “me time”.
  • Stop holding grudges, forgive others and let go of the past.
  • Try new things even if they seem scary.
  • Learn when to say yes and, also when to say no.

 (Continued in Part II…)

Healthy Living Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Written by Lisa Jillanza

It’s the most germiest time of the year! Isn’t that how the song goes? Oh, wonderful, that’s right! Well, it may be the most wonderful time of the year if you and your family can remain healthy throughout the flu and holiday season.


Here are a few ways that you can make your health and safety a priority this year and keep you healthy well into 2024. 

  • Wash your hands often to help prevent the spread of germs. Make sure that you are washing them for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • Bundle up when you are headed outdoors in the cold. Wear light, warm layers, hat, gloves, and scarf. And waterproof boots, too!
  • Don’t drink and drive or let others drink and drive. This is an all-year deal and not just for the holidays.
  • Be smoke-free. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke whenever possible. If you are a smoker, consider making that early resolution to quit.
  • Get your yearly exams and screenings. Just because you are busy enjoying the season shouldn’t mean that you should put off those important health appointments.
  • Keep an eye on children. Keep hazardous or potentially hazardous items, foods, drinks, and objects away from children. Protect them from potential accidents.
  • Practice fire safety and know your family plan. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, so be prepared in the event of an emergency.
  • Prepare food safely. Wash hands, avoid cross-contamination, cook foods to the proper temperature and refrigerate foods after eating.

In the News Movember – Part II

Written by Lisa Jillanza

(Continued from Part I…)


One of the most recognizable symbols of Movember is the mustache, often referred to as the “Mo.” Growing a mustache during November is an easy and visible way to show support for men’s health, spark conversation, and raise awareness. Encourage your male employees to participate in a Grow a Mo’ Challenge, where they grow and groom their mustaches throughout the month.

Creating opportunities for education is a powerful way to raise awareness about men’s health issues, and a Lunch and Learn session offers a perfect setting to do so. Hosting an informal educational session during the lunch hour allows employees to learn about critical men’s health topics in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Invite a healthcare professional, such as a urologist, oncologist, mental health expert, or fitness trainer, to give a talk about pressing issues like prostate cancer, testicular health, mental wellbeing, or general fitness and nutrition tips. These topics are often neglected, and having a knowledgeable speaker can help demystify them while encouraging employees to be proactive about their health.

Movember Fundraising Day is an exciting way to engage everyone in the office, raise awareness, and make a tangible contribution to the Movember cause. Choose a day during the month where the workplace comes together for fundraising and awareness activities. This could include a “Wear Blue for Men’s Health” day, where employees show support by wearing blue and making a small donation.

Pair this event with fun activities like raffles, bake sales, and casual dress day.

Healthy Living Best Healthy Living Tips

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Not everything having to do with diet, exercise, and healthy living must be complicated or time-consuming. There are plenty of things that you can easily do to help shift your mindset towards living healthier.

Here are the top 10 things that you can do to live healthier and feel good about yourself. 

  1. Eat Fresh Foods. Eat fresh rather than processed foods. Ask yourself, “Does this come from Nature?” If the answer is NO, then eliminate it from your diet.
  2. Take up a sport. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just something that you are comfortable with and gets you moving.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are a parent always on the go, ensure that your healthy choices fit into your busy schedule
  4. Start a food diary. Write down everything you eat and once you do you can see where and what you need to cut from your diet.
  5. Avoid fad diets. Opt for a healthy lifestyle. Fad diets are a quick fix, whereas overall good health will sustain you.
  6. Set goals. Give yourself a sensible time-period to cut fast food from your diet.
  7. Get active. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, use the furthest parking spot away from where you are going, and get moving daily in some way.
  8. Five-a-day rule. Follow the five-a-day rule when it comes to fruits and vegetables.
  9. Socialize with like-minded people. You’ll start to think like them and be inspired by them.
  10. Be good to yourself. Take your time and reward yourself regularly for achieving your goals.

In the News Fall Wellness Tips – Part II

Written by Lisa Jillanza

(Continued from Part I…)


Moisturize your skin. Harsh temperatures can make your skin dry. Also, you still should be wearing sunscreen. 

Buy in-season food. Beets, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, kale, pumpkin, broths, roasted squash, roots and sautéed dark leafy greens are all great choices. 

Stay active! It can be easy to just sit around all the time, but it’s important to get in some movement throughout the day. Raking leaves or shoveling snow counts. 

Wear layers and protect your body from the dropping temperature. Make sure you have gloves, a scarf, earmuffs, a winter coat, warm socks, and snow boots.

Do some “spring cleaning” in the fall. Clean out your closet, organize that back room, and rid yourself of things you don’t need.

Prepare your home for possible extreme weather conditions. Do you have a shovel and/or snow blower? Do your flashlights have batteries? Is your heat working okay? Being prepared now can cause less stress in the future should situations arise.

Get some books to read and shows to watch. Who doesn’t want to sit by the fire on chilly winter nights and read a good book or binge-watch some Netflix?

Be kind to yourself. The holidays can cause weight gain, the shorter days can cause low mood, and the flu season can cause sickness. Listen to your body and give it what it needs, and don’t beat yourself up! Try reframing negative thoughts into positive ones.