General Health Articles
How to Keep our Joints Healthy
Joints connect everything and every bone in our body. They glide and roll and bend to keep you walking, running and moving. It even comes in different sizes and varieties, but they need the same thing, the right care.
To keep bones and joints healthy, you may have to do some change in lifestyle and to take in some necessary nutrients needed for it. And since it can be susceptible for wear and tear after some time, damage may occur in form of arthritis and other condition. So what should you do?
Joint Stats
According to statistics, ¾ of people have joint age that is older than their actual age. And once you are overweight, your joint health might be that much better compared to those who have the right weight.
And joint health may also vary depending on the career path you are having. Those who are in the field of education are more likely to have aging bones than their actual age compared to those who are in the media, legal and finance careers.
In Most countries in the world, arthritis ranks 1 in the doctor visits followed by joint pain. And women are more likely to have joints problem than men due to the estrogen in their bodies that starts to decline as they age. And before the age of 85, more or less 50% of population will acquire osteoarthritis.
Now, how will you combat these statistics? What will you do?
Limiting Sugar
Sugar from soda, sports drinks is associated with the decrease in bone density. And more often, it can lead to weight gain and loss of calcium in the body. The reduction of sugar in diet will help. Substituting sugar craving with healthy sweets can be the next easy step you can give your body.
Ingest Calcium
You might be on diet that is low on calcium. Remember that calcium is essential for bone health. Good strong bones can resist breakage even during falls which helps protect joints as well. You can have your calcium from dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese), kale, broccoli and fish.
Pile on some Omega-3 Fatty Acids in your Diet
Omega-3 fatty acids are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. These can help you resists joint swelling and even help you reduce arthritis problem. It can help your bone to be strong as well addressing the bone breakage problems which estrogen may cause during the menopausal stage among women. Omega-3 fatty acids can be source from fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines.
It can also be taken from other marine sources such as krill and calamari. If eating fish seems not a viable option, supplements such as marine oils (fish oil, calamari oil, krill oil) can be options.
Vitamin D
The intake of Vitamin D in your diet may help in better absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is mostly found in food such as eggs, salmon, Vitamin D enriched milk products and in cod liver oil.
Lose Weight
Your weight can squish your joints, your bones and everything that keeps it standing. So better lose some flabs before your knees give out on you.
So you may have oiled your joints from above recommended foods. But still, if it goes unmoved, your joints and bones may still suffer from problems. So better be exercising everyday. And practice good posture.
Visit Your Doctor regularly
Your doctor can provide you evolution and the right insights to what you are experiencing. So try to see him regularly and have some medications right away or get more to tips to prevent joint demise.
Breast Cancer - Early Signs
The incidents of breast cancer continuous to rise over the past years even with the advent of new technologies and new cancer intervention treatments. And this is not only confined to women but with men as well.
Cancer Causes
Even with breasts cancer awareness programs and information drives, plenty still of those who have it are still unaware of it. Most often this happened when these women are not in any line of cancer genes or has been healthy all their lives.
Breast cancer though can be very silent and can stalk you without knowing. Causes of breast cancer are detailed below:
- Old age
- Genetics/ hereditary
- History of breast cancer
- Breast lumps
- Estrogen exposure
- Obesity
- Height (taller women has higher chance of having it)
- Alcohol consumption
- Radiation exposure
- Specific Jobs(night jobs exposed to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors)
- HRT or hormone replacement therapy
Early Signs of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer intervention can be very effective once it is done at the start early onset of the condition. To be able to detect it early, women should be able to keep their selves aware of its different symptoms.
Angelina Jolie, when diagnosed with a certain rare cancer strand had a Mastectomy (removal of breasts). The beauty of early intervention is it keeps you even from acquiring it or making it worse. Jolie who undergo mastectomy have had a breast implant or breast augmentation after to go back to normal.
Many women who had mastectomy ahs found a savior from breast implants to restore normal look and be confident again. And for the early diagnosis and intervention, see below.
- Change in nipple and breast feeling. Tendency is, there will be lumps or thickening near the breast. Mostly it appears near the underarm area also. Another notable one is the enlargement of pores in the breast. But don't panic once you detect a couple o lumps, some are not cancerous. To be sure, have a professional examine it for you.
- Change in breast and nipple appearance. A change in the size of the breast as well as any dimpling can be an early sign. Uneven swelling or shrinkage should also be checked. When suddenly your nipples turn inverted or inward, it can be a sign that you need to be checked up.
- Nipple discharge. A milky discharge is okay with women who are breastfeeding. But once you are not into it, chances are you may be experiencing something. Though it might not be cancer, it always pays to be careful.
- Pain in the armpits. Once the pain in your armpits is bothering you and it isn't by any chance related to your period, then see a doctor right away.
Don't Panic, Be Calm
Once you have some of the symptoms above, don't panic nor be alarmed. Keep calm and go to a doctor right away. Have some laboratory tests scheduled. Some may even be a false alarm.
Once your first diagnosis is positive, always go for the second and third opinion. But if it is really positive, there are interventions in it.
There are plenty of treatments for cancer. Treatments depend on the cancer stage. Known ones include chemotherapy, mastectomy (like those of Angelina Jolie), hormone therapy and biological treatment. But the biggest weapon you can have is a huge heart, a good fighting will and a strong spirit. So be aware of its symptoms and have early intervention once you suspect you have it.
Coffee Overload - Why too much coffee is Bad for your Health
There are always two sides to a story and when it comes to drinking coffee you might want to consider spending some time to consider its negative side effects to your health. This might be a hard thought to swallow for the millions of Americans who drink a cup or two of coffee daily. Too much of a good thing can have a negative effect on your health. So before you take your daily dose of coffee, here are a few things to consider.
Coffee Makes Sleeping Much Harder
Coffee's greatest benefit might also work against your health. Sleeping is a time when our body's recuperate and repair itself after a grueling day at the office. Research shows that people who drink more than two cups of coffee have a harder time going to sleep or have poor sleep quality.
Coffee can make you feel depressed
Coffee is a great way of instantly boosting our energy levels. But drinking large amounts of coffee also depletes the body's level of serotonin. This is a feel good chemically that gives us that natural good feel. Serotonin is often taken by people suffering from depression. And when we rob ourselves of this chemical, it only increases the risk of us suffering from bouts of depression.
Coffee weakens our Immune System
Caffeine increases our body's production of glucocorticoids and cortisol. High levels of glucocorticoid decrease our immune system's effectiveness. Drinking more than normal amounts of coffee during those cold winter nights might warm your body but also increases the chance of you catching a cold.
Coffee can hurt your Liver
The liver is responsible for producing enzymes that breakdown caffeine. The more coffee you drink, less enzymes are available for detoxifying your bloodstream. When our liver is stressed to produce more enzymes, it increases the possibility of long term liver damage.
Coffee disrupts our metabolism
If you're on a diet or watching your weight then this could be a good reason to cut down on your coffee intake. Coffee can make you gain a few more pounds not because of the calories it contain but because it interferes with your normal metabolism. Coffee may not directly affect our body's metabolism but its action on the other organs ultimately leads to weight gain. The thyroid gland controls our rate of metabolism. Coffee has a negative effect on the adrenal gland which releases hormones that control the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Coffee can interfere with your nutrition
Coffee can interfere with how your body absorbs nutrients and vitamins. Drinking coffee or tea during meals increases the chance that most of the nutrients especially iron won't be absorbed. Calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium and thiamine are just some of these nutrients that are affected when we drink coffee during meals.
Coffee negatively affects our sex drive
Testosterone is a sex hormone responsible for sex drive in both men and women. These hormones are produced in the adrenal gland that is affected when we drink too much coffee. When the adrenal gland is hard pressed to produce adrenaline for example, it has little energy to produce other important hormones such as testosterone. You might be awake for a good portion of the night but have little drive or energy to perform sex.
Taking the Bite off Diabetes
Diabetes continues to be a top concern for many health professionals across the world. It is a condition that could easily be managed with proper diabetes treatment. Diabetes is not a debilitating disease. If properly managed and treated, people with diabetes could live fuller and more productive lives. However, the success of any diabetic treatment ultimately depends on the patients understanding and commitment to treatment.
3 Things to Remember in the Treatment for Diabetes
- The first step in the treatment of diabetes type 1 or 2 is proper education. This could be done by regular communication and establishing a relationship with your health provider. Learn everything about diabetes and make a lifelong commitment towards eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle.
- Diabetes can be managed by eating a healthy diet. Shedding some extra pounds could go a long way in controlling your blood sugar. A typical diabetic diet should consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and good fat.
- Living an active lifestyle also helps people manage their weight better. Exercising regularly helps maintain blood sugar levels. All it takes is thirty minutes of simple exercises like walking or climbing a flight of stairs to help you keep weight under control. Moderate exercises and activities like dancing, yoga or any aerobic exercise combined with a healthy diet helps you live a fuller life, with or without diabetes.
What is the Management and Treatment for Diabetes
- Proper Identification - People with diabetes constantly walk a fine line between having too much or too little blood sugar. This makes the possibility of a diabetic attack highly probable. Wearing a tag or bracelets that identifies you as a person with diabetes helps emergency services or people treat you more effectively. Having a glucagon kit readily available ensures quick treatment of diabetic symptoms.
- Regular Checkups - Diabetes poses serious medical complications if left untreated. Poor eyesight, glaucoma, cataracts and retinal damage for example are medical complications that can occur due to diabetes. Regular checkups help identify early symptoms of diabetes and help your physician provide proper care and treatment.
- Strengthen your Immune System - Diabetes symptoms include a weakened immune system. Boost your immune system by eating a healthy diet and getting a flu shot every year. Hepatitis B vaccinations are strongly advised for diabetic patients who have no previous records of vaccination.
- Maintain Proper Blood pressure Levels - Elevated blood sugar levels can cause high blood pressure. Ask your doctor if medication is required to help you maintain proper blood pressure levels. Diabetes symptoms include headaches and dizziness that may be caused by elevated blood pressure. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly prevents fat buildup that could complicate your current medical situation.
- Feet and Teeth Care - Check your feet regularly for cuts, sores or blisters. Consult with your doctor immediately if you see any of these signs. Regularly wash your feet with lukewarm water. Dry them thoroughly and apply moisturizers. A compromised immune system makes us susceptible to infections. The mouth is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Proper mouth care helps prevent the growth of bacteria and reduces your risk for infections and disease.
Switching to Healthy Lifestyle
We all know the health risks that come with smoking and this could be aggravated by diabetes. Smokers with diabetes have a higher chance of acquiring cardiovascular disease. Switching to a healthy lifestyle and quitting the smoking habit goes a long way in helping your manage your diabetes.
Alcohol when drank in large amounts could elevate or decrease blood sugar levels. Coupled with an unhealthy diet, this could complicate your medical condition. Alcohol also contains carbohydrates. Include the carbohydrate content found in your drinks to help you manage your blood sugar levels better.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Stress could elevate your blood pressure and affect blood sugar levels. Finding yourself with diabetes can be very stressful. The body reacts to stress in many different ways. This includes elevated blood pressures and the release of hormones. This could affect how the body reacts to insulin.
Selecting the Right Pair - Better Eyesight
Did you know that eyeglasses date all the way back to 1000 AD? Today, over a quarter of the world population require glasses. If you fall into that 25 percent, you have likely gone through some trial and error when it comes to shopping for the right type of glasses. Finding the right fit at a reasonable price can be a frustrating process. The good news is that there has never been a better time to find a pair of cheap eyeglasses that are a perfect fit.
Whether you require prescription or non-prescription reading glasses, you likely have personal preferences. The most important consideration when purchasing glasses is that they meet the needs specified by your physician or ophthalmologist.
Wearing the wrong pair of glasses can cause headaches, blurred vision, nausea, vertigo, and permanent damage to your eyes. It is not uncommon for one to experience a short adjustment period to new glasses; if you experience continued discomfort it is important contact a professional to assess your needs.
Getting the Best Deal
Some consumers spend on average spend hundreds of dollars and even up to a thousand for prescription glasses. The internet is packed with websites offering affordable glasses. If you opt to buy over the internet, be sure to take some time to research the vendor to ensure they offer a quality product. Customer reviews are a great way to measure the quality and reputation of the seller. You should also search around the web to take advantage of special sales and offers.
More than just a Fashion Statement
Sunglasses are not only fashionable—they save your eyes too! The sun's UV rays can cause extensive damage to your eyes. Medical experts agree that wearing a pair of glasses with UV protection is a vital step in maintaining ocular health. The most effective sunglasses block 100% of UVA and UVB rays; be sure to read the product label before purchasing to confirm the amount of protection the glasses offer.
Glasses with bigger or “wraparound” lenses tend to provide more protection as well. Don't be afraid to wear your sunglasses year round; eye experts recommend wearing sunglasses in the winter as well. Remember that some sunglasses are made for fashion only; be sure to double check that they offer appropriate protection.
Get a Spare
Unfortunately glasses tend to disappear. Don't tear out your hair looking for them—get a second pair! Glasses can have a short life. Whether we sit on them, scratch the lenses, or the dog chews on them, it is a safe bet to have a backup pair. Glasses are occasionally offered at a discount price when you buy two pairs. Take advantage of a two for one special and avoid being without them when you need them the most. You can always buy a much cheaper pair to get you by until you can purchase a better set.
Second Nature
There is a perfect pair of glasses out there for you; it may take some trial and error, but you will find a pair of eyeglasses that are the right fit, price, function, and look for you. The right pair of glasses will feel natural and let you get through the day without worrying about your vision or eye health. The right eyewear can be a great fashion accessory as well. Whatever your needs may be, don't settle for a mediocre pair. Get a set that works for you!