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Break those Bad Habits

Written by Lisa Jillanza

From overeating to watching too much TV, there's really only one way to break a bad habit : make a plan!  Unfortunately what may work for one person, may not work for another.  So here are some ways to break some of the most popular bad habits.  Hopefully it works for you!

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Watching too much TV. : Studies show that people watch an average of 4 hours of television each day and these studies also show that excessive T.V. watching can be linked to developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  Here are some ways to avoid watching too much TV: only watch when there is something specific you want to see, do chores during commercials, make a list of things you need to accomplish before sitting down to watch TV, and create a TV-watching plan and stick to it.

Drinking too much alcohol. : Tired of being hung over and sluggish? Then you should do everything you can to cut back on drinking too much alcohol.  To cut back try these tips: drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have, drink only when you are having a meal, or try drinking something that looks like an alcoholic drink, like rootbeer or a drink with a slice of fruit in it.

Smoking. : While this may be one of the hardest habits to break, it's still possible as many, many people do it every year. The best plan is to talk things over with your doctor because they can offer the best cessation treatment for you.  But some other approaches that you may consider include: hypnotherapy, exercise or electronic cigarettes.

Overeating. : No matter how hard you try to cut calories, it still seems like sometimes the cravings are still there.  Experts say that sometimes it is best to give into those cravings.  When people do give into their cravings every once in awhile they have a better chance of losing weight and keeping it off, than those who ignore their cravings and avoid certain foods.  Experts also advise that if you can avoid nighttime eating that you will be well on your way to prevent overeating as well.

Seasons 101: Gearing Up for Spring

Written by Lisa Jillanza

As the ice and snow start to melt, everyone starts to think about getting back in shape for the spring and summer seasons.  Instead of hitting the exercise hard, many experts suggest easing back into your springtime routine.

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Start slow.  Take the time you need to jump start your spring diet and exercise plan.  By easing into your regimen you will be more successful in keeping with your diet and exercise plan.

Plan a New Menu.  You need to really look at your diet and the amount of calories you are consuming on a daily basis.  Choose foods that are low in calories but are filling to help you fight off the hunger throughout the day.

Get outdoors.  Now that the weather is breaking, mix up your exercise routine and enjoy the weather outdoors.  Walk, hike, bike, run , enjoy yourself and the beautiful season.

Heal Your Sore Throat Fast!

Written by Lisa Jillanza

There are so many reasons why you may have a sore throat : it could be the onset of a cold, or it could be something more serious like strep throat : but regardless you just want the burning, itching and painful feeling to go away.

While many people turn to the doctor to help get some relief from a nagging sore throat, some of the best remedies can be found at home or over-the-counter.

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Here are some remedies and quick fixes for your next sore throat:

  • Anti-inflammatory medicines : Believe it or not you probably already have some of these in your medicine cabinets for a host of other reasons.  Over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve and Advil are combination pain killers and reduce some of the swelling associated with a sore throat.
  • Saltwater gargle : You may have seen your parents or grandparents doing this a time or two, as this old home remedy has been around for quite some time.  Doctors recommend dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and gargling with it several times a day to reduce swelling and loosen mucus.
  • Sprays and lozenges : Sucking on a lozenge or using a throat spray may help alleviate sore throat symptoms because these products help to stimulate saliva production.  For an added benefit choose brands that have menthol or eucalyptus for the cooling and numbing effect.
  • Cough syrup : Just like lozenges and sprays, cough medicine help to coat the throat and provide temporary pain relief.  Even if you aren't experiencing a cough, it's still ok to try using cough medicine to help ease the soreness.
  • Lots of fluids : As with any sickness, it's important to drink plenty of fluids when you have a sore throat, too.  You should be drinking enough water that your urine is light yellow or clear.  If it is not, then you are not taking in enough fluids.  Water is always your best options, but you can also hydrate with watered-down fruit drinks, or something salty if you prefer like chicken broth.

How Fit Are You?

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Take this Quiz and Find out!

If you are looking to “get fit” in 2017, take these three self tests to find out how fit you are first!

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  • How are your muscles?  Do some push-ups.  A 30-year old man should be able to 35 push-ups while a 30-year old woman should be able to do 45, while her knees are on the floor.  For every decade after 30, the amount of push-ups decreases by 5 for each gender.
  • How is your flexibility? Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you, slightly apart.  Extend your arms placing your one hand on top of your other hand, fingertips forward and reach for the space in between your feet.  Women under the age of 46 should be able to reach at least two to four inches past your feet.

Older women should be able to reach the soles of their feet.  Men under the age of 46 should be able to reach the soles of their feet.  Older men should aim to be within three to four inches of their soles. 

  • What's your heart rate?  Begin by exercising for 18 minutes at 80 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate : for men, 220 minus your age; for women, 208 minus .82 times your age.  Then exercise all out for three minutes.  Check your pulse.  Rest for two minutes and then check it again.  Your heart rate should have dropped by at least 66 beats.  The faster it drops the more fit you are.

Myths of the Common Cold

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Every year around cold and flu season, we hear the old wives tales about the common cold, feed a cold and starve a fever, and so on and so forth.  But what tales are indeed true and which ones are myths?  Here we touch on a few of those true tales and debunk some others.

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Chicken Soup:  So grandma always said that chicken soup is good to fight the common cold and she was half right, chicken soup has been shown to relieve inflammation.

Wet hair: Going outside with wet hair will not cause the common cold, but that doesn't mean that you should do it either.

Feed a cold, starve a fever:  This is the one that has enough calories.

Wearing a coat: Common colds and the flu are caused by viruses not by temperature. And while they do circulate more during the winter months, you are more likely to pick up a cold or the flu inside more so than outside so wearing a coat or not wearing a coat does not indicate whether or not you will catch a cold.  Studies show that you can actually prevent some colds by getting physical exercise outdoors during the winter months.

Vicks Vapor Rub on Your Feet:  A widely spread email last year stated that you should put Vicks Vapor Rub on your kids feet and put socks on them to get rid of a nagging cough.  This myth was debunked and experts suggest that you should stick to using the vapor rub on your kid's chest and throat instead.