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Quick Tips for Improving your Memory

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Memory lapses may be unavoidable after some time when aging sets in. Other factors may worsen memory problems such as diet, and other external factors. But exercising your brain, exercising your body and taking the right nutrients might help you conquer some memory problems.


Here are some quick tips you can use to improve your cognitive functioning as well as your memory.

  1. Sleep. Sleeping right and sleeping at the right length of time can rejuvenate your mind and can keep you thinking straight. Memory lapses sometimes can be caused by fatigue. Your abilities to think properly and solve problems can be compromised by grogginess and can be a recipe for disaster.
  2. Exercise. Exercising your body can help in proper blood circulation, well worked out muscle and better system functioning. Your brain then can have a proper supply of oxygen which lets you avoid memory loss. Exercising daily for the rest of your life can keep you sharp, aside from the fact that it can keep you healthy. A routine activity can harness your brain chemicals and make it work well.
  3. Keep Social relationships good. According to research, meaningful relationships and good support system can keep your mental functioning healthy as well as your emotional health. In a Study by Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found out that people who have the most active social life has paved better against mental decline.
  4. Eat right. You are what you eat. Eating brain boosting foods is recommended by most experts. It can keep dementia away and reduce the likelihood of brain and memory decline. Now what are those brain and memory boosting foods?
  • Omega-3 rich food. Like your tuna, mackerel and herring. They are oily fishes. Omega-3 is known for its capacity to boost brain health and keep your heart healthy. It can also be found among flaxseeds, walnut and Chia seeds.
  • Green tea. Green tea is filled with anti-oxidant Polyphenols which protects your brain from damage.
  • Drink some wine. In moderation, a wine can help improve memory as well as cognition. Red wine is rich in resveratrol that can boost blood flow in the brain. It can help stop Alzheimer's too.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid unhealthy fats.
  1. Take Supplements. Supplements such as omega-3 fish oil and calamari oil can be an alternative if you can't consume the natural foods mentioned above.
  2. Avoid Stress. Stress can strain your brain and memory. So breathe in and breathe out. When stressed out for a reason, use a stress ball to keep it away or go and see your friends and laugh.
  3. Exercise Your Brain. Some little puzzles and challenge can keep your brain working and can keep it from being rusty. You can also have hand-eye coordination challenging activities such as tennis o do some needle work. OR try playing instruments or try answering quizzes.
  4. Concentrate. Always concentrate. Sometimes you easily let go of some things and some memories because you are not paying much attention to it.
  5. Use some Mnemonics. Mnemonics device is one way to keep you remembering things. Or have some acronyms, rhymes, alliteration when you are trying to memorize things.
  6. Involve your senses.
  7. Relate information always with what you already know.

These are just tips though. Sometimes there are things that can't be controlled by the things you can do. Like for example your genes, if you have family history that speaks of dementia, then the best you can do is to try to prevent it. And as always, prevention and early intervention are always what works best.