Leap Into Leap Year!
Every four years we get to celebrate leap year, so why not leap into 2012 with 29 fun fitness and food tips to stay healthy all year long!
1. Make breakfast happen every day to keep your energy levels up and motivated throughout the morning!
2. Start off your morning with an 8 oz. glass of water before you have your coffee.
3. Snack on raisins to combat drowsiness.
4. Walking sideways burns 78% more calories than walking forward.
5. To increase body toning, cardiovascular fitness and burn more calories, walk uphill.
6. Blend equal portions of nonfat yogurt and your favorite salsa for a fat-free, low-calorie dressing for chicken, fish or salads.
7. One of the best ways to protect yourself during the cold and flu season is to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.
8. Walking on a rough but level track requires 50 percent more energy than walking on a paved road.
9. Your shoes should be replaced every 500 miles.
10. A weight gain of 11-18 pounds increases your risk of heart disease by 25 percent. More than 25 pounds and your risk goes up by 200 to 300 percent!
11. High protein/low carbohydrate diets don't work in the long run. Instead follow a balanced food plan which includes foods from all of the food groups.
12. Park your car as far away from the entrance as possible so you can get in some extra fitness while running your daily errands.
13. Pack a lunch for work if you can't find a restaurant that offers whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
14. Get off the bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way to your destination.
15. Use physical activity as a reward instead of food. For example, everyone goes ice skating for a good report card instead of out for pizza.
16. Join the local YMCA or health club.
17. Build an obstacle course in your basement or garage on a rainy day!
18. Dig and plant vegetables in a garden. Get your whole family in on the fun.
19. Take a nature hike.
20. Go to a driving range or enjoy a game of miniature golf.
21. Go camping where you can pitch a tent, fish, cut and stack firewood and hike.
22. Visit farms throughout the year where you can pick your own berries, apples and peaches.
23. Take a long walk or a jog on the beach.
24. Have fun in the snow, build a snowman, a snow fort, or make snow angels.
25. Rake up the leaves and then jump in them!!
26. Use a map and map out a course in your area.
27. Take everyone to the grocery store to pick out healthy meals and learn to read nutrition labels.
28. Enter to walk or run individually and in teams in local charity events.
29. Adopt a highway and keep it clean!