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In the News Back to School Health Tips – Part I

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Going back to School can be a stressful time for children, but also for parents. After a long, fun break from School, even getting back into regular routines, can be unnerving.

As a parent though, there may be additional stresses that you deal with – like your child’s academic performance, their health and their relationship with their peers and teachers.

While you can’t be with them all day long while they are at School, you can encourage healthy habits that will carry over throughout their School Day.

Here are some ways that you can support your child’s health from preschool to graduation.


Focus on your child’s nutrition.

Statistics show that 17% of children aged two to 19 in the United States are obese. 

Forty percent of daily calories for two- to 18-year-olds are empty calories from added sugars and solid fats. 

If you have a picky eater, follow these tips:

  • Continue introducing new foods.
  • Be a role model for a healthy diet.
  • Don’t use food as a reward. 

Know the risks your school-aged children could face. 

Head lice – the most common way to get lice is by head-to-head contact that often happens during 

(continued in Part II…)