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Outdoor Activities to Fit in this Season

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Fitness for All

Not too long ago we were breaking out the shorts and t-shirts, swim suits and flip flops, and heading outdoors to make the most of the beautiful summer days.  But with only days left in the summer season, there is still time to get outdoors and take advantage of the weather, all the while getting your work outs in outdoors.

outdoor activities

Running, hiking, swimming, and playing outdoor sports are all great ways to get your daily amount of exercise, but why not try something new in these last few weeks of summer?

Snorkeling:  If you are heading to the beach or if you live at the beach, pick up a mask and snorkel and get ready for a good time and a great exercise.  Not only will you see some pretty amazing things below the water's surface, but you will also be getting a great aerobic workout without even realizing it.

Yard sports:  Not all outdoor exercises or sports have to be organized : shoot some hoops, play a game of kickball or wiffleball or pick up a tennis racket and hit up the local courts.

Water skiing: While water skiing is a sport that you may need to work up to, there is no time like the present to give it a try.  Water skiing is a fun water sport, where you use a wide variety of muscles to participate in it and therefore it is a great summertime sport for someone looking for something new to try out.

Kayaking/Canoeing: Kayaking and canoeing are not just fun water sports, but they are also very physically challenging sports.  Experts suggest that you take your time learning how to kayak or canoe and enjoy the area in which you decide to try out your new sport.  Row for awhile, but then take a break and take in the beautiful scenery around you.

Rock climbing:  Although this sport requires the assistance of a professional, most people do not realize the amount of physical strength it takes to participate in rock climbing.  Find an experienced rock climber in your area, and give it a shot.  Before you know it, you'll get the “hang” of it and will wonder why it took you this long to try it out.

Easy Treadmill Workout

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Fitness for All

Tired of your same old treadmill routine?  Why not spice things up this week and try this easy treadmill work out that will help you burn a quick 2,000 calories in just seven days.



Day One:

Power walk : 30 minutes

Strength train : 20 minutes

Day Two:

Warm-up (walk easily, then briskly) : 3 minutes

Power walk : 2 minutes

Run fast (don't sprint) : 2 minutes

Repeat steps 1 and 2 : 10 times

Cool down (walk easily) : 2 minutes

Day Three:

Warm-up (walk easily) : 5 minutes

Do your favorite strength-training move : 12 reps

Power walk (4-6% incline) : 3 minutes

Repeat steps 1 and 2 : 6 times

Day Four:

Warm-up (walk easily, then briskly) : 3 minutes

Power walk : 2 minutes

Run fast (don't sprint) : 2 minutes

Repeat steps 1 and 2 : 6 times

Cool down (walk easily) : 3 minutes

Day Five: 

Repeat Day One's Routine

Day Six:

Warm-up (Walk easily, then briskly) : 5 minutes

Power walk : 2 minutes

Run fast (don't sprint) : 4 minutes

Repeat steps 1 and 2 : 6 times

Cool down (walk easily) : 4 minutes 

Day Seven:


Repeat this workout weekly or every other week.  Remember to mix up your workouts to keep things fresh and exciting.

Fitness for All

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Easy Workouts to Do at Home!

May 1

Summer is almost here and whether we like to admit it or not, many people spend less time at the gym once the spring weather arrives.

But you can still get a decent work out in just by doing some simple exercises at HOME!

Here are a few to get you started:

“In Bed Abs” - Lie on your back with your legs raised, knees straight; bring your belly button toward your spine. Lace your fingers behind your head and curl your shoulders up. Exhale and draw your abs in as you crunch toward your thighs, reaching for your feet. Inhale and drop one to two inches, then crunch again. Repeat 20 times.

“Lower Body Barre” - Stand tall with your feet in first position—heels together, toes no more than six inches apart. Bend your knees softly, then extend your left leg back, with your toes pointed and the inside of your big toe touching the ground. Lift your back leg slightly, pushing your hips forward in opposition. Pulse your leg upward as far as you can (you shouldn't feel pain in your lower back). Continue pulsing for eight counts, working up to 16. Then switch sides.

“Couch Potato Core” - Sit on the edge of the couch and lean back onto your elbows, hinging at the hips. Stretch your legs toward the floor in front of you, with your knees straight, toes pointed, and heels about six inches from the ground. Pull your belly button toward your spine and, moving from your hips, kick your feet up and down. Focus on small, controlled, quick movements. (To make it easier, you can bend your knees so they're at a 45-degree angle.) Count to 25, rest, and repeat three times.


Staying Motivated This Winter

Written by Lisa Jillanza

Fitness for All


The weather outside is truly frightful, which makes it easy to stay indoors and be super lazy during the winter months.  But you don't have to anymore. There are plenty of things that you can do to stay motivated this winter:

  • Listen to motivational tapes and/or read motivational books to help gain some inspiration to keep going.
  • Learn to breathe correctly. You will feel more relaxed and when you are more relaxed you will also be more apt to stay motivated than when you are stressed.
  • Keep a positive attitude. Even though it is easy to be depressed when the long, cold winter months drag on, try to remain positive and you will notice that motivation comes along with being happy.
  • Remind yourself that progress is what is important and not perfection. This is especially important when you are looking at your long-term goals, at your long-term goals, as they may seem like the most unreachable.  Remember all of the short-term goals that you have met and you will be more successful.
  • Build a support system of friends and family members that are typically motivated. By keeping like-minded people close to you, you will become motivated by just being in their presence.

While these are only a few tips to get you motivated during the next few months, everyone is different, so do what works best for you, and you will see that spring will be here before you know it!