Fitness for All Beat the Winter Blah: January Fitness Challenge
This 31-day challenge is a great way to beat the winter blues and stay motivated during the long, cold January.
Day 1: 25 squats
Day 2: 10 burpees
Day 3: 30-second plank
Day 4: 10 push-ups
Day 5: 1-mile walk
Day 6: 25 walking lunges
Day 7: 30-second bridge
Day 8: 20 donkey kicks
Day 9: 50 high knees
Day 10: 2-mile walk
Day 11: 15 burpees
Day 12: 15 push-ups
Day 13: 150 jumping jacks
Day 14: 45-second plank
Day 15: 50 jump squats
Day 16: 30 jump lunges
Day 17: 45-second bridge
Day 18: 30 donkey kicks
Day 19: 20 push-ups
Day 20: 3-mile walk
Day 21: 60-second plank
Day 22: 20 single leg bridges
Day 23: 150 skiers
Day 24: 40 walking lunges
Day 25: 50 squats
Day 26: 20 burpees
Day 27: 60-second bridge
Day 28: 100 high knees
Day 29: 25 push-ups
Day 30: 75-second plank
Day 31: REST