Break a Sweat with this Office Workouts
The office is probably one of the most unlikely places to get healthy. Spending hours lurking in that office chair doesn't do anybody any good except build those love handles. Taking care of our careers is one thing but keeping our body healthy is equally important.
Studies have shown that prolonged sitting can have a damaging effect on our health. Sitting in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. can be likened to a couch potato minus the TV. Some studies even showed that sitting for long periods of time can increase a person's risk for cancer by 60%.
Starting your journey to a healthier life can be done with a few simple changes. Switching to a healthy snack or deciding to take a little more veggies during lunch is just one of those little things that all up to being healthy.
Breaking a sweat in the office is possible and it doesn't involve bringing in gym equipment. So the next time you find yourself hitting a wall and just need to release stress why don't you make this an opportunity to get those sleeping muscles working. Below is a few simple exercises that you can do in your downtime.
- Back and Legs
Lean forward from a standing or sitting position bringing the chest towards the thighs. Try to straighten the legs slowly stretching the hamstrings.
- Arms and Shoulders
Pull the arms across the chest and hook the other arm around it to pull the tension out of the upper back and rear shoulders.
- Neck
Tilt the head slowly towards the shoulder and hold it for ten seconds on each side. Do this on a slow and easy pace.
- Calves
Stand and lean into the desk with the heels on the floor. Bend the knees slightly to stretch the Achilles tendons.
- Thighs
Sit on the left edge of the chair. Grab the left ankle and pull it upward towards the buttocks. Do it also on the other side.
10-Minute Office Cardio Workout
- Push-Ups
Get into a plank position with feet firmly on the ground and hands on a chair. Bend the arms to go down and bring the body back up. Go as low as your body can reach and press the back up to a tall position. The core should be tight and the routine should continue for at least one minute.
- Broad Jumps
From squat position, bend down and jump forward landing again in a squat. Turn around and hop the other way. Continue hopping back and forth for one minute focusing on the distance instead of the height.
- Tricep Dips
Facing away from the chair with the hands gripping the edge, place the feet out in front of you with knees bent at ninety degrees. You should feel the effect on the shoulders and triceps as you dip down and back up. Do the routine for one minute.
- Squats
From wide stance, squat down and tap the butt to the chair, then come up. The pace should be fast to get the heart rate up. Extend the body as you rise up and squeeze at the top to engage the muscles.
- Walk Lunges
Bend the knees in an alternate pace as you lunge-walk through the hallway. Do it in a nice and low position so that the quads with feel it by the end.