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Walking, swimming, and playing outdoor sports are all great ways to get your daily amount of exercise, but why not try some new outdoor activities this summer? According to MSNBC, recreational pursuits such as biking, hiking and inline skating allow you to reap up to six times more fat-blasting and body-shaping benefits that cruising around the neighborhood on foot.

Mix up your routine by trying one or more of the following exhilarating activities and enjoy the weather while it lasts while achieving a firmer and fitter body by September.

Rock climbing: Although this sport requires the assistance of a professional, most people do not realize the amount of physical strength it takes to participate in rock climbing. Find an experienced rock climber in your area, and give it a shot. Before you know it, you'll get the “hang” of it and will wonder why it took you this long to try it out.

Inline skating: Not only does inline skating getting you around more quickly it is also a fun and different way to sculpt your buns and thighs without pounding your knees. Skating is much less jarring than other high-intensity sports like jogging. It's also a way to relax and empty your mind while burning nearly 800 calories an hour. Try practicing in your driveway or an empty parking lot to start out with. You may also want to check out your local inline skating resource center for route ideas and trails.

Water skiing: While water skiing is a sport that you may need to work up to, there is no time like the present to give it a try. Water skiing is a fun water sport, where you use a wide variety of muscles to participate in it and therefore it is a great summertime sport for someone looking for something new to try out.

Snorkeling: If you are heading to the beach or if you live at the beach, pick up a mask and snorkel and get ready for a good time and a great exercise. Not only will you see some pretty amazing things below the water's surface, but you will also be getting a great aerobic workout without even realizing it.

Kayaking: For those of you who live by bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, or oceans, kayaking is a challenging yet peaceful way to experience the earth and get a good workout as well. Kayaking can burn up to 340 calories per hour and helps to sculpt your upper body by the resistance created by pulling the paddle against the water. It also works your shoulders, triceps, biceps, back and core. Beginners should use an open kayak and take a lesson or two to learn how to escape from the kayak before taking it to open waters. While kayaking make sure to take a break and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Yoga and Pilates: Not all summertime sports have to be extreme summertime sports. Instead, buy a book or take a class on yoga and/or pilates and get started on your own path to holistic healing and exercise. Yoga and pilates can be done in the comforts of your home or your gym, but it can also be done outdoors where nature itself will serve as your calming background.

Yard sports: Not all outdoor exercises or sports have to be organized. Shooting hoops with your family, friends or neighbors is a great way to get your exercise outdoors. Play a game of wiffleball or baseball with the neighborhood. Pick up a tennis racket and hit the local courts. Any outdoor sport that keeps your heart rate up and keeps you moving, is a great way to get your work out in.

So, whether you decide to take up a new hobby like water skiing or rock climbing, or if you and the local neighborhood kids have a pick-up game of wiffleball or kick ball, there are plenty of ways to get your exercise in and still enjoy your summer.

Remember to drink lots of water and keep hydrated in whatever outdoor exercise you take part in and have a good time outdoors!


Until the 1800s, tomatoes were considered toxic, but since then tomatoes have been a staple of many people's diet, and rightfully so , whether you consider it a vegetable or a fruit, it is very beneficial.

Besides containing 40 percent of your daily value of vitamin C, it also contains 15 percent of your daily value of vitamin A, 8 percent of your daily value of potassium, and 7 percent of your recommended dietary allowance of iron for women and 10 percent for men. In addition as a source of fiber, one medium tomato equals one slice of whole wheat bread with only 35 calories.

According to Homecooking.about.com, Lycopene, a dietary carotenoid found in high concentrations in tomatoes as well as processed tomato products, including ketchup and canned tomato products, is what gives tomatoes their red pigment. It is an antioxidant which purportedly fights the free radicals that can interfere with normal cell growth and activity. These free radicals can potentially lead to cancer, heart disease and premature aging.

A recent study has also shown that men who eat at least 10 servings of tomatoes a week can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by a whopping 45 percent.

The tomato is native to western South America and Central America. In 1519, Cortez discovered tomatoes growing in Montezuma's gardens and brought seeds back to Europe where they were planted as ornamental curiosities, but not eaten. A member of the deadly nightshade family, tomatoes were erroneously thought to be poisonous (although the leaves are poisonous) by Europeans who were suspicious of their bright, shiny fruit.

The French referred to the tomato as pommes d'amour, or love apples, as they thought them to have stimulating aphrodisiacal properties. Centuries later in 1897, soup mogul Joseph Campbell came out with condensed tomato soup, a move that set the company on the road to wealth as well as further endearing the tomato to the general public.

There are thousands of varieties of tomatoes in an array of shapes, colors and sizes. The most common shapes are round (Beefsteak and globe), pear-shaped (Roma) and the tiny cherry-sized (Cherry and Grape). Yellow varieties tend to be less acidic and thus less flavorful than their red counterparts. In the United States today, tomatoes are second in consumption only to potatoes.

When choosing the perfect tomato, use your nose. Smell the blossom (not the stem) end. The most flavorful ones will have a rich tomato aroma. Also be sure to choose one with a brilliant shade of red, as those tomatoes contain more betacarotene and lycopene giving you the most vitamins and minerals. Store fresh ripe tomatoes in a cool dark place, making sure it's stem-side down and use within a few days.

It may be true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but there are plenty of foods out there that are beneficial to you in more ways than one : including speeding up your metabolism.

According to MSNBC, metabolism is the process by which your body converts calories from food into energy. It is the body's engine that burns calories and regulates your caloric needs. The foods you eat play a major role in the way your body metabolizes fat. Some foods contain certain ingredients that help to burn calories more quickly, while also giving you other vital fuels that you need to increase energy levels, and prevent diseases later in life. There are also certain foods that require more calories to digest than the food actually contains, which can essentially speed up your metabolism.

Below are a few food suggestions provided by Ehow.com that can boost metabolism and encourage weight loss.

Spicy Foods- An interesting and effective way to boost your metabolism is to eat spicy foods. Spicy foods and spices, such as chili peppers and jalapeno peppers, contain the chemical capsaicin, which is what gives these foods their heat. Capsaicin increases and quickens adrenaline production in the body, which speeds up your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. Try eating spicy salsa, which gives you a lot of flavor without a lot of calories.

Carbs & Protein- Eating snacks that contain healthy carbohydrates and proteins will help boost energy and fill you up, so you can avoid overeating during meals. Eating these types of snacks in small portions will keep your metabolism going throughout the day, burning fat and increasing energy. Try snacking on peanut butter with a sliced banana, and apples dipped in peanut butter or paired with a few slices of cheddar cheese.

Green Tea- Green tea contains large amounts of the powerful antioxidant, epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. The oxidation process that occurs in green tea helps break down fat more quickly, while also helping to prevent cancer and heart disease. EGCG also promotes faster workings in the brain and nervous system, so the body burns more calories. If you don't like to drink green tea, they also sell caplets in health food stores.

B Vitamins- B vitamins have major benefits for many parts of the body: the central nervous system, metabolism and the production of energy. A vitamin B deficiency will cause your metabolism to slow down, your mood to become depressed and your body to feel tired and sluggish. B6, B12, thiamine, folate and niacin play major roles in the healthy function of your body. Snack on foods such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus; navy, soy and black beans; and melon, fish, poultry and eggs. In order to work these into your day, snack on cut-up honeydew or cantaloupe, a hard-boiled egg, a few pieces of sushi, or tortilla chips and a mixed bean dip.

Magnesium- Magnesium is a mineral that plays a key role in more than 300 chemical reactions in your body and contributes greatly to the synthesis of protein and metabolism. It also assists in proper nerve, heart and muscle function. To increase your levels of metabolism, eat green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli; soybeans such as edamame; nuts, such as almonds, cashews and peanuts; and whole grain cereals, including oatmeal.

Everyone needs a little sun in their lives. Sun exposure gives our bodies much needed Vitamin D that helps to absorb calcium for healthy, strong bones. Still, people need to be aware of the sun's damaging rays and be safe when going outdoors this summer.

According to MSN, it doesn't take much time in the sun for unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and even cancer.

Sunlight contains three ultraviolet rays: UVA, UVB and UVC rays. UVA rays make up the majority of our sun exposure, but UVB rays also make it to the Earth's surface. UVC rays never make it though the ozone layer to reach the Earth's surface, so we are not affected by UVC rays.

A chemical called melanin is our body's first defense against the sun. It absorbs the dangerous UV rays and as the melanin increases in response to sun exposure, the skin tans. Melanin is found in different concentrations and colors, which results in different skin colors. The lighter somebody's skin color, the less melanin it has to absorb UV and protect itself. Therefore, the darker somebody's skin is, the more melanin it has to protect itself. As the melanin increases in response to sun exposure, the skin tans. But even a “healthy” tan may be a sign of sun damage. Sunburn typically occurs once the UV amount is greater than the capacity of our skin's melanin.

Unprotected sun exposure is even more dangerous for people with: moles on their skin (or whose parents have a tendency to develop moles) very fair skin and hair a family history of skin cancer, including melanoma

Infants, according to MSN, have thinner skin and underdeveloped melanin, therefore their skin burns more easily than that of older kids. But sunscreen should not be applied to babies under 6 months of age, so they absolutely must be kept out of the sun whenever possible. If your infant must be in the sun, dress him or her in clothing that covers the body, including hats with wide brims to shadow the face or use an umbrella to create shade.

To combat the sun's harmful rays, experts suggest that we should avoid getting too much sun exposure when the UV rays are the strongest : typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Northern Hemisphere.

In addition, sunscreen should be used every time you or your family will be out in the sun for extended periods of time, even if it is overcast, as the UV rays can still make it through on an overcast day. Remember to apply sunscreen approximately 30 minutes before going outdoors and try to reapply sunscreen every two- to three hours. When applying sunscreen don't forget about your lips, ears, hands, feet and behind the neck, as these are all areas that will be susceptible to burn but often overlooked by many when applying sunscreen.

The American Association of Dermatology suggests that you use sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 or higher before any prolonged sun exposure. You should also apply a waterproof sunscreen if you're planning to be around water or swimming. Water reflects and intensifies the sun's rays, so it's important to put on protection that lasts. Waterproof sunscreen may last up to 80 minutes in the water, and many are also sweat and rub proof. Regardless, make sure to reapply once you get out of the pool. And don't try to stretch out a bottle of sunscreen; apply it as generously as possible!

It's also important to protect your eyes against the sun. Sun exposure to the eyes can result in burned cornea and cumulative exposure can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration. The best way to protect your eyes is to wear sunglasses equipped with UV filters. Purchase sunglasses with labels ensuring that they provide 100% UV protection.

While these are only a few safety tips that you should keep in mind before you head outdoors to the beach, the pool or just outside doing some yard work or playing with your children. This advice will only help save your skin from skin cancer and other sun exposure damage and help you to enjoy your time outdoors.


We all know that exercise is good for us and that one of the best places that we can utilize in order to get in shape is the gym. So how do you know what gym is right for you? How do you choose between one gym and another?

According to MSNBC, with the wide variety of equipment and services offered at health clubs these days, choosing the right gym can take a lot of time and research. Some of the best tips can be gleaned from friends and associates; however, you need to personally inspect gyms in your area to find the one that will work best for you.

Fitness experts suggest the following pieces of advice that may help you when it comes time to choose the right gym for your needs:

Location, location, location- Location is one key aspect in deciding what gym may work best for you. Chances are that if your gym isn't close to your home or workplace, then it will became a hardship to you to try and get to the gym on a regular basis. Plus, there is always the benefit of saving gas money if you choose a gym that is relatively close to your home or office.

Research the gym- Find out important details about each gym that you are considering starting your membership with. How much does it cost? What services do they offer that are included in your membership fees? Are lockers an additional cost? Is there a discount for seniors or students? Is there a cancellation or dropped membership fee? By asking the right questions you will find out everything you need to know about the gym before you hand over any money.

Hours- Knowing the hours that the gym is open is a very important aspect of choosing a gym. If you would prefer to do your workout before work, then the gym you choose needs to be open prior to your work hours. If you would like to work out after work, the gym needs to be open later at night. Choosing the right time to go to the gym is important, as is whether or not the gym is extremely busy at this time. If you are constantly waiting around to use equipment because the gym is overcrowded at certain times, you may want to choose a different gym that is more accommodating or has more equipment.

Comfort in the gym- When you enter the gym, do you feel comfortable with the way it is set up, the cleanliness of the gym and the way the other members act towards one another? If you are going to be spending your hard-earned money, then you need to feel comfortable in the gym. Cleanliness is also important and will let you know how the owners take care of the gym. How the other members of the gym interact is also important because you will be working out amongst these people and if you feel uncomfortable just being around the gym's members, then you certainly won't feel comfortable working out with these people. Trainers, machines, and classes- When choosing a gym finding out the experience of the trainers, testing out the equipment ahead of time and learning about the classes that the gym has to offer is also very important. The trainers will be there for you to help you with problems or with your workout, the equipment needs to be in the best condition possible and having a wide variety of classes in addition to great equipment will only motivate you to keep your exercises fresh and try different things.

Look for a variety of equipment- If there's a variety of cardio equipment available, you're less likely to get bored and you'll have the benefits of cross training. It's also important to make sure that there are enough machines to guarantee you'll have one when you want to work out, even during peak hours.

Decide what is important to you- Think about what kind of facility that you want and what, if any, extras are important to you. For example on MSNBC they suggest that you consider if you would like a club that has a pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room. Will a simple set of weight machines and cardiovascular equipment do? Will you need child care? Do you want a juice bar? Etc.

Take a trial run- The best way to find out whether a club is right for you is to try it out for a few days. Most clubs offer special passes for prospective members. It's also a good idea to try the club out during the hours that you will be using it. If it's too crowded when you would normally prefer to work out and you don't like crowds then you may want to keep looking.

While this is only a starting point when you are choosing the gym that will best fit your needs, you need to consider a number of issues before you sign any contracts or pay any fees.